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1 - Identification data

GIRET, a company with registered office at Carrer dels Rajolers, 3 46410 Sueca, Valencia, with NIF number , (hereinafter, "GIRET"), is the owner of this website www.giretcase.com.es (hereinafter, the "Website"), the use of which is subject to this Legal Notice and other legal texts accessible on the Website.

This Website has been created by GIRET with the main objective of creating a technological platform, through which technical suitcases, flight cases, accessories and other storage and transport products can be purchased.

The use of the Website attributes the condition of "Visitor" and implies the acceptance and express acknowledgment of knowing the legal warnings, conditions and terms of use related to it and contained in this Legal Notice and other accessible legal texts on the Website.

The Visitor must carefully read this Legal Notice each time he wishes to access the Website, since it may be modified, the current version being the one published at any time.

The use of the Website implies the express acceptance of these rules and any modification that may be made in the future, so the Visitor must read these terms and conditions periodically.

Notwithstanding the costs of access and connection to the Internet, which in any case are beyond the control of GIRET, the use of the Website will be free of charge. However, the acquisition of the products offered on the Website will be remunerated.

In addition, the acquisition of the products available on this Website attributes the condition of "User" and will be governed by the provisions of the corresponding General Contracting Conditions, both economic and of any other type, which can be consulted through of the following link: https://www.giretcase.com/content/3-condiciones-de-uso and that in any case Users must expressly accept prior to their acquisition.

2 - Terms and Conditions of Use of the Website

The mere access to this Website does not imply the establishment of any type of commercial relationship between GIRET and the Visitor. The information that is disseminated by this means is made solely for information purposes, without GIRET being responsible for its veracity and reserving the right to eliminate or suspend its dissemination, in whole or in part, and to modify the structure and content of this Site. Web without prior notice, and may even limit or deny access to said information.

Likewise, the Website reserves the right to unilaterally modify the conditions and terms of use of this Website. The entry into force of any modifications to the conditions of use will take place from the moment of their publication on this Website.

The access, navigation and use of the Website is the responsibility of the Visitor/User, for which reason he/she undertakes to diligently and faithfully observe any additional instructions given by GIRET or by its authorized personnel in relation to the use of the Website. Website and its contents. Therefore, the Visitor/User undertakes to use the contents diligently, correctly and lawfully and, in particular, including but not limited to, agrees to refrain from:

  • Use the contents, in particular, the information of any kind obtained through the Website, for purposes or effects contrary to the law, morality and generally accepted good customs or public order. For this purpose, the Website reserves the right to prevent or prohibit access to any User who enters on this Website any content contrary to the applicable regulations or morality, reserving the right to exercise the legal measures it deems appropriate to avoid this type of conduct or as a consequence thereof.
  • Reproduce or copy, distribute, allow public access through any form of public communication, alter, change, modify or adapt the contents of the Website, unless authorized by GIRET.</li >
  • Interfere or interrupt the operation of the Website or the servers or networks used to make the Website available; or contravene rules, requirements, procedures, policies or regulations of said networks. Carry out any conduct that may damage, disable, overload or prevent, in any way, the normal use of the Website.

3 - User Registration

The Website does not require the prior registration of the Visitor for simple navigation, however, for the provision of certain services and for the acquisition of the products available on the Website, the corresponding registration as a User will be required. Regarding the processing of personal data, see the Privacy Policy of the Website, at: https://www.giretcase.com/es/content/18-politica-de-privacidad-y-cookies.</ p>

The User must select, use and keep his username and password (hereinafter, “Access Codes”), and must make lawful and diligent use of them, without making them available to third parties.

The User will have the option of choosing and indicating their own Access Codes. The User may not choose as a username words, expressions or graphic-denominational sets that are profane, insulting, contrary to the law, morality and public order.

GIRET is exonerated from any type of liability that may accrue for damages caused or suffered by fraudulent use or lack of diligence in the safekeeping and custody of the Access Codes, loss or use in contravention of the provisions of this Legal Notice and other legal texts accessible on the Website.

4 - Acquisition of products through the Website

The acquisition of the products offered on the Website will be remunerated and will be governed by the provisions of the corresponding General Contract Conditions, both economic and of any other type, which can be consulted through the following link: https: //www.giretcase.com/content/3-condiciones-de-uso and that in any case Users must expressly accept prior to their acquisition.

The User is aware and voluntarily and expressly accepts that the use of the Website is carried out in any case under the sole and exclusive responsibility of the User. When using the Website, the User undertakes not to falsify his identity and other personal data, to use the Website exclusively for information and/or product acquisition purposes, not to carry out any conduct that could damage the image, interests and rights of GIRET or third parties.

5 - Intellectual and industrial property rights

The texts and graphic elements (design, logos, source code and other analogues) that make up the Website and are disseminated through it, as well as its presentation and assembly, are the exclusive property of GIRET, who retains all rights industrial and intellectual property, including those related to software, or GIRET has the necessary licenses and/or authorizations from the holders of said rights on the aforementioned texts and graphic elements to make use of them.

All trade names, trademarks or distinctive signs, logos, symbols, mixed, figurative or nominative brands that appear on this Website belong to GIRET or it has, with prior authorization, the right to use them and is are in any case protected by current legislation in this regard.

As a consequence, this Website and the contents it houses may not be subject to exploitation, reproduction, distribution, modification, public communication, assignment or transformation, without the prior authorization of its owner.

GIRET reserves the possibility of exercising judicial actions or of any other type to which it is entitled against Users who violate or infringe its intellectual and industrial property rights.

6 - Privacy

To access some of the services that GIRET offers through the Website, the Visitor/User must provide personal data, which will be processed in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of April 27 regarding the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and the free circulation of these data, as well as Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5, on the Protection of Personal Data and guarantee of digital rights, and other regulations that results from application, whose treatment and purpose are included in the Privacy and Cookies Policy of GIRET, which can be consulted through the following link: https://www.giretcase.com/es/content/18-politica-de -privacy-and-cookies.

7 - Limitation of Liability

GIRET will be solely and exclusively responsible for the services it provides and for the contents directly originated by the Website itself and identified with its corresponding copyright.

GIRET undertakes to adopt the necessary means and measures to guarantee the security and privacy of the Website. It will not respond when the pertinent security measures have been adopted and these are violated by external agents.

GIRET will not be responsible, even indirectly or subsidiary, for any content, information, opinion or statement of any kind, originating from the Visitor/User or third parties or entities on the Website owned by GIRET.

GIRET reserves the right to temporarily suspend the Website without prior notice to the Visitor/User, as long as it is necessary to carry out maintenance, update or service improvement operations. Likewise, it may modify the conditions of access and/or the specific location of the content of the Website, as well as prevent, restrict, block, delete or withdraw access to the services for Visitors/Users when they do not make lawful, honest and diligent use of the services provided on the Website. Along the same lines, you can withdraw, block or restrict the use of content entered by third parties that is illegal, constitutive of fraud or in any other way that violates current laws or regulations.

GIRET does not guarantee the availability and permanent continuity of the Website due to interruptions, failures, etc., nor will it be liable for damages that may be caused to Visitors/Users by computer viruses or external agents that third parties may deposit on the Website or in electronic documents and files stored in the computer system.

8 - Hyperlinks and linked sites

1 - Linked Sites

GIRET is not responsible in any way for those contents, commercial activities, and information that could be viewed through electronic links (links), directly or indirectly, through this Website, since their function is only the to inform the User about the existence of other sources of information on specific issues. GIRET will not be in any way responsible for the result obtained through said links, for the veracity and legality of the content or information that can be accessed or for the consequences derived from the access by Users to them.

2 - Hyperlinks

GIRET is not responsible for the data processing carried out by third parties that establish hyperlinks on the Website or those responsible to whom users of their website are sent through hyperlinks. The User and, in general, any natural or legal person who intends to establish a hyperlink or technical link device (for example, links or buttons) from their website to the Website (the "Hyperlink") must obtain prior authorization and in writing from GIRET.

The establishment of the Hyperlink does not imply in any case the existence of relations between GIRET and the owner of the website in which the Hyperlink is established, nor the acceptance or approval by the Company of its contents or services. In any case, the Company reserves the right to prohibit or disable any hyperlink to the Website at any time, especially in cases of illegality of the activity or content of the website in which the hyperlink is included.

9 - Cookies

Access to this Website implies the use of cookies. GIRET makes available to Users clear and complete information about the use of cookies, which can be consulted through the following link: https://www.giretcase.com/es/content/18-politica-de-privacidad- and-cookies.

10 - Jurisdiction and applicable law

The terms and conditions that govern this Website and all relationships that may arise from the use and/or registration on it are governed by Spanish law. Any dispute that may arise from accessing or using this Website and/or its services is submitted to the exclusive jurisdiction of the corresponding Spanish judges and courts in accordance with the applicable regulations in each case.

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